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Richardson Social Security Disability Lawyer

Richardson, Texas SSDI application lawyers

Attorneys for SSDI Benefits in Richardson, TX

Social Security disability benefits may provide crucial financial assistance for people who have debilitating health conditions that have affected their lives. However, the process of applying for these benefits can be complex. Many applicants face difficulties as they navigate the intricate requirements and extensive paperwork involved in the application process. Whether preparing and submitting an initial application or appealing a denied claim, legal representation from an experienced attorney can be crucial.

The lawyers at The Law Offices of Coats & Todd provide representation for those who are seeking Social Security disability benefits. Our team has a wealth of experience and knowledge, and we can guide clients through each step of the process and ensure that all documentation is thorough and accurate. With our understanding of the specific criteria that the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses to evaluate disability claims, we can help clients gather and present the necessary medical evidence, complete required forms, and meet critical deadlines. We work diligently to protect our clients' rights and interests and ensure that they will have the financial resources they need.

Common Reasons for Denied Disability Claims

There are several reasons why a Social Security disability claim may be denied:

  • Insufficient medical evidence: The SSA requires comprehensive documentation demonstrating the severity and impact of a disability on a person's ability to work. A lack of adequate medical evidence may result in the denial of a claim.
  • Failure to follow prescribed treatment: If an applicant does not follow the treatment recommended by their healthcare provider without a valid reason, the SSA may deny their claim. This may be seen as a sign that the person has not taken adequate steps to address their condition and work to recover from a disability.
  • Income levels: If an applicant earns too much, their claim can be denied on the basis that they are not sufficiently disabled to prevent substantial gainful activity.
  • Lack of cooperation: Failure to provide requested information or to attend medical exams scheduled by the SSA can lead to a denial. The SSA requires complete cooperation from an applicant to ensure that a claim can be assessed accurately.
  • Prior denials: Sometimes, claims may be denied because an applicant previously applied, and the SSA determined that they did not meet the criteria to be considered disabled. A new application that does not demonstrate significant changes in a person's condition or provide new evidence of disability may be denied.
  • Temporary disability: The SSA only provides benefits for long-term or permanent disabilities. Claims based on temporary or short-term conditions may be denied if the SSA believes that a person's condition will not affect them for at least 12 months.

Options for Appealing Denied Disability Claims

If a Social Security disability claim is denied, applicants have several options for appealing the decision:

  • Reconsideration: An applicant may request a review of the claim by a different SSA representative. It is essential to submit any new evidence or information that can support the claim during this stage.
  • Hearing by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ): If the reconsideration is denied, an administrative hearing may be requested. This will provide the applicant with the ability to address concerns related to their claim, question witnesses, and submit additional evidence. The ALJ will make an independent decision as to whether disability benefits should be approved or denied.
  • Appeals Council review: If the ALJ denies the claim, the applicant can request a review by the Social Security Appeals Council. The council may review the case to determine whether the ALJ made any errors, and it may either make a decision itself or order a new hearing in which the ALJ will review specific issues.
  • Federal court review: As a final option, applicants can file a lawsuit in a federal district court. This step involves a more formal legal process and can be complex. Representation by an experienced attorney can be essential to ensure that a case is presented correctly.

The Importance of Legal Representation in the Appeals Process

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Coats & Todd have extensive experience with Social Security disability appeals, and we can provide the guidance and support needed to effectively challenge a denial. We can help ensure that all necessary evidence is compiled and presented, submit forms or documents within the appropriate deadlines, and make compelling arguments on behalf of an applicant to show that disability benefits are needed.

During hearings or court cases, our attorneys can cross-examine witnesses, challenge the SSA's evidence, and clarify any misunderstandings about the applicant's condition. With our knowledge of the legal issues that affect Social Security disability cases, we can help a person take steps to secure the benefits they deserve.

Contact Our Richardson Social Security Disability Attorneys

The skilled lawyers at The Law Offices of Coats & Todd provide compassionate, dedicated legal assistance for people who are seeking disability benefits through Social Security. Our team is committed to providing comprehensive support throughout every step of the legal process. Reach out to us today by calling 972-671-9922 and scheduling a free consultation.

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