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Coppell Social Security Disability Attorney

Coppell, Texas Social Security disability denied claim lawyers

Respected Social Security Disability Appeals Lawyers in Coppell, TX

For those who suffer from health conditions that have caused them to be unable to work, Social Security disability benefits can serve as a lifeline. However, navigating the process of applying for Social Security disability benefits can be challenging. Even when a person has followed the correct procedures, their claim may still be denied. Fortunately, these decisions can be appealed.

An attorney from The Law Offices of Coats & Todd can provide invaluable assistance with Social Security disability applications. We can help gather and organize medical records and other critical documents, ensuring that all forms and other information are submitted correctly. We can also provide representation during appeals, and we advocate for our clients to show that they meet the criteria for disability. With our knowledge of the procedures followed during appeals, we can help our clients achieve their goals while protecting their financial interests.

The Initial Disability Claim Process

The journey to obtaining Social Security disability benefits begins with filing an initial claim. This involves completing an application that details the applicant's physical or mental impairments, their employment history, and how the disability affects their ability to work. The Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews this information and makes an initial determination on the claim. This initial phase can take several months, as the SSA evaluates medical records, consults with medical professionals, and assesses whether the applicant meets the criteria for disability benefits.

Steps to Take When Appealing the Denial of a Disability Claim

Unfortunately, many initial claims for Social Security disability benefits are denied. When this happens, it is important to understand that denial is not the end of the road. There are several levels of appeal available to challenge the decision:

  • Request for reconsideration: The first step in the appeals process involves asking the SSA to re-evaluate the claim. A person who was not involved in the original consideration of a claim will review relevant information, including medical documentation that had previously been submitted and any new evidence submitted by the applicant or uncovered during the review. The reconsideration process may take several months, and Social Security may reverse its original decision or choose to continue to deny the claim.
  • Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing: If a claim is denied after reconsideration, the next step is to request an administrative hearing. During this hearing, the applicant has the opportunity to present their case in person. The ALJ will review the evidence and hear testimony from the applicant, medical experts, and vocational experts. They will then make a decision based on the information presented. Representation by an attorney from The Law Offices of Coats & Todd can be crucial during a hearing. We can present a compelling case, question witnesses, and ensure that the ALJ has all the information needed to make a decision. The ALJ may choose to grant benefits or uphold Social Security's original decision to deny the claim.
  • Appeals Council review. Following the denial of a claim by an ALJ, an applicant will need to ask the Social Security Appeals Council to review their case. The council will examine the ALJ's decision and determine whether there may be a reason to change it. The council will first decide whether to hear the request for review. If the request for a review is granted, The Appeals Council can issue a new decision or whether to approve or deny the disability claim, or they may return the case to the ALJ for further consideration. This stage involves a thorough review of the case file, and an attorney who understands the nuances of disability law can ensure that the claim is presented to the Appeals Council correctly.
  • Federal court litigation: As a final option following an unfavorable decision by the Appeals Council or the denial of a request for review, the case can be taken to federal court. In these cases, a judge will review the claim and decisions to determine if the SSA's reasons for denial were legally sound. The judge may affirm the SSA's decisions, reverse the decision and grant disability benefits, or return the case to the SSA for further consideration. Legal representation is crucial during this stage, and an attorney with a deep understanding of both disability law and federal court procedures can help an applicant present their case effectively.

Contact Our Coppell Social Security Disability Appeal Attorneys

When appealing the denial of Social Security disability benefits, The Law Offices of Coats & Todd can serve as a reliable and experienced legal partner. We provide strong, effective representation for our clients, helping them submit applications, request reconsideration, argue their cases in administrative hearings, request review by the Appeals Council, or pursue litigation in federal court. Contact us at 972-671-9922 to set up a complimentary consultation today.

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