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Fort Worth Disability Denial Attorney

Fort Worth, Texas Social Security disability claim denial lawyer

Social Security Appeals Lawyer in Fort Worth

Serious health conditions that result in a loss of income can cause a great deal of financial difficulty for a family. Fortunately, Social Security disability benefits can provide a much-needed financial safety net for people who are unable to work due to a physical or mental disability. However, the process of applying for these benefits can be complex, and claims are often denied. If the Social Security Administration has denied your application for disability benefits, it is important to know that you can appeal this decision. The appeals process can be daunting, but an experienced Social Security disability attorney can help you navigate the process and give you the best chance of getting the benefits you need.

At The Law Offices of Coats & Todd, we have extensive experience handling Social Security disability appeals in Fort Worth. We will work tirelessly to help you get the benefits you need and deserve. With our understanding of the Social Security disability system and the appeals process, we can help you put together an appeal that will give you the best chance of success. We will provide you with strong and effective representation throughout your case, and we will fight to make sure you receive the financial assistance your family needs.

Reasons for the Denial of Social Security Disability Benefits

There are numerous reasons why Social Security may find that a person is ineligible to receive disability benefits. A disability claim may be denied because of:

  • Lack of evidence: In our experience, this is one of the most common reasons people are denied. In order to be approved for Social Security disability benefits, an applicant must be able to provide convincing medical evidence that they are unable to work due to their condition. That usually requires medical treatment records, and even if you submit medical records showing ongoing treatment for your medical conditions, that may not be enough to win your case if the medical records are incomplete or uninformative.
  • Income: Social Security disability benefits are only available to those who are not currently working or who earn less than the amount that is considered to be substantial gainful activity (SGA). If an applicant's income is too high, their claim may be denied.
  • Work history: SSDI benefits are only available to those who have worked enough years to qualify. Applicants who have not worked for a long enough period of time may have their claims denied.
  • Failure to follow treatment: Social Security will usually only approve benefits for those who are receiving treatment for their condition. If an applicant is not following their prescribed treatment plan without a compelling reason, their claim may be denied if the treatment could restore the applicant's ability to work.

Steps in the Social Security Disability Appeals Process

Once a disability claim is denied at the initial level, there are four more levels of appeal:

  1. Reconsideration - At the first level of appeal, an application and the decision to deny benefits may be reviewed by someone who did not make the original determination.
  2. Hearing - The second level of appeal is a hearing that is conducted by an administrative law judge (ALJ). This is an opportunity for the applicant to present their case in a live setting before an ALJ, present evidence and testimony, and question witnesses to support their claim. This, in our experience, is the single most important step of a disability claim.
  3. Appeals Council review - The third level of appeal is a review by the Social Security Administration's Appeals Council. The Appeals Council may deny the request for review, or it may return the case to the ALJ for further proceedings. However, at least 85 percent of the time, the Appeals Council will deny the request, forcing the applicant to pursue an appeal through the federal district courts.
  4. Federal court review - The fourth level of appeal is a legal proceeding that is conducted in a federal district court. A federal judge will review the evidence and testimony presented in the hearing and review the ALJ's decision. The federal judge rarely, if ever, determines whether the applicant is actually disabled. Instead, the judge determines whether the ALJ's decision reflected the correct legal standards and is supported by substantial evidence.

An experienced Social Security disability lawyer can provide representation throughout each of these stages. At The Law Offices of Coats & Todd, we have advocated on behalf of clients in multiple types of appeals, and we understand how to make the best arguments and provide the proper evidence to demonstrate that a person deserves to receive disability benefits.

Contact Our Fort Worth Social Security Disability Appeals Attorneys

If you have been denied Social Security disability benefits, you will need to be sure you follow the correct procedures when appealing these decisions. Our lawyers can help you gather the correct evidence and ensure that you present compelling testimony during hearings or other proceedings. We will fight to protect your rights and interests at all times. Contact The Law Offices of Coats & Todd today at 972-671-9922 to schedule a free case evaluation and learn how we can help you with your appeal.

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